- Summary
Time played:23H 44M 42SGames played:172Current Credits:94,496Leaderboards:#205,989 (Top 17%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 1Dec 21, 2015 05:49Warp UseDec 16, 2015 07:15Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Dec 14, 2015 06:17
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery14%
2 of 14Tech Mastery7%
1 of 13Unknown Map Extractions84%
21 of 25Unknown Enemy Extractions84%
21 of 25Shadow Strike Use81%
40819 of 50000Biotic Charge Use79%
39918 of 50000Bronze Extractions72%
18 of 25Silver Extractions68%
17 of 25Biotic Explosions Detonated 260%
150 of 250Hazard: Bronze Waves45%
91 of 200