- Summary
Time played:36H 55M 6SGames played:148Current Credits:10,092,910Leaderboards:#103,819 (Top 9%)#124,683 (Top 16%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Guardian Points 1Aug 22, 2020 13:56Cannibal Points 2Aug 22, 2020 13:45Throw UseAug 21, 2020 20:23Geth Trooper Points 2Aug 4, 2020 21:59Firebase Hydra: Bronze WavesAug 3, 2020 20:08Reegar Carbine UseJul 28, 2020 00:24Annihilation Field UseJun 1, 2018 00:45PromotionsMay 16, 2018 14:12Dark Channel UseMay 5, 2018 18:12Dark Sphere UseMay 5, 2018 18:11
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery64%
9 of 14Squad Elite50%
4 of 8M-96 Mattock Use99%
139952 of 140000Grenade Damage Use 295%
190745 of 200000Hazard Extractions92%
46 of 50Firebase Ghost: Bronze Waves92%
92 of 100M-8 Avenger Use91%
128662 of 140000Alliance Infiltrator Extractions90%
9 of 10Silver Extractions88%
22 of 25Headshots 388%
883 of 1000