- Summary
Time played:4H 47M 23SGames played:22Current Credits:2,639Leaderboards:#594,747 (Top 49%)#292,011 (Top 37%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
M-8 Avenger UseAug 13, 2020 03:27Biotic Charge UseAug 12, 2020 16:02
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Assault Rifle Mastery11%
1 of 9Biotic Mastery7%
1 of 14Headshots 185%
213 of 250Cerberus Trooper Points 184%
126747 of 150000Biotic Explosions Detonated 182%
41 of 50Cannibal Points 181%
122158 of 150000Geth Trooper Points 162%
94093 of 150000Warp Use48%
24327 of 50000Headshots 242%
213 of 500Cerberus Trooper Points 242%
126747 of 300000