
- Summary
Time played:1664H 12M 8SGames played:4778Current Credits:136,437,296Leaderboards:#10,236 (Top 1%)#1,565 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Cannibal Points 2Oct 1, 2023 18:35Marauder Points 3Jul 21, 2021 21:18Firebase London: Gold WavesFeb 25, 2020 21:10Firebase London: Silver WavesFeb 25, 2020 21:10Firebase London: Bronze WavesFeb 25, 2020 21:10Annihilation Field UseFeb 22, 2020 23:01Throw UseFeb 22, 2020 22:57Collector Captain Points 3Feb 22, 2020 22:29Geth Pyro Points 3Feb 22, 2020 22:17Firebase Dagger: Platinum WavesFeb 14, 2020 22:55
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery92%
12 of 13Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Husk Points 198%
148458 of 150000Geth Turret Use97%
48565 of 50000Waves Completed97%
2426 of 2500Vorcha Sentinel Waves Completed97%
194 of 200Guardian Points 297%
293763 of 300000Turian Sentinel Waves Completed96%
192 of 200Firebase Hydra: Platinum Waves96%
96 of 100N7 Typhoon Use94%
188784 of 200000