- Summary
Time played:56H 7M 32SGames played:185Current Credits:3,077Leaderboards:#188,636 (Top 16%)#769,172 (Top 97%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
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- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Commando Mastery0%
0 of 12Geth Turret Use83%
41969 of 50000Geth Engineer Extractions80%
8 of 10M-98 Widow Use78%
110098 of 140000Sentry Turret Use62%
31275 of 50000Headshots 154%
137 of 250Unknown Map Extractions44%
11 of 25Bronze Extractions44%
11 of 25Geth Engineer Waves Completed43%
86 of 200