
- Summary
Time played:334H 13M 23SGames played:1275Current Credits:11,933Leaderboards:#41,053 (Top 4%)#48,135 (Top 7%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Scion Points 3Jan 5, 2017 03:21Batarian Soldier Waves CompletedJan 3, 2017 19:13Disciple UseJan 2, 2017 05:20Ravager Points 2Jan 1, 2017 19:52Husk Points 2Jan 1, 2017 18:56Drell Vanguard Waves CompletedJun 14, 2016 03:08Biotic MasteryJun 14, 2016 03:02Pull UseJun 14, 2016 03:02Centurion Points 3Jun 14, 2016 02:56Phoenix Adept Waves CompletedJun 13, 2016 22:49
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12Collector Mastery73%
11 of 15Melee Damage Use 399%
992282 of 1000000Collector Rifle Use99%
139989 of 140000Abomination Points 398%
441879 of 450000Tech Explosions Detonated 297%
243 of 250M-300 Claymore Use96%
134914 of 140000M-13 Raptor Use95%
134196 of 140000Awakened Collector Waves Completed94%
188 of 200Phaeston Use93%
131431 of 140000