
- Summary
Time played:1176H 42M 31SGames played:3226Current Credits:3,163,241Leaderboards:#1,399 (Top 1%)#1,941 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Goddess: Gold WavesOct 24, 2020 07:16Ravager Points 3Oct 20, 2020 08:48Geth Hunter Points 2Oct 19, 2020 09:38Geth Pyro Points 2Oct 19, 2020 09:33Acolyte UseOct 16, 2020 09:45Pistol MedalsOct 15, 2020 08:22Map MasteryOct 13, 2020 09:59Firebase Condor: Silver WavesOct 13, 2020 09:59Firebase Condor: Gold WavesOct 13, 2020 09:59Geth Rocket Trooper Points 1Oct 12, 2020 08:40
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Geth Prime Points 299%
298345 of 300000Collector Sniper Rifle Use98%
138149 of 140000Collector Sniper Rifle Use98%
138149 of 140000M-11 Suppressor Use97%
136083 of 140000Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle Use96%
134463 of 140000N7 Piranha Use96%
193630 of 200000SMG Medals94%
94 of 100Smash Use93%
46506 of 50000