
- Summary
Time played:119H 48M 52SGames played:278Current Credits:18,957Leaderboards:#72,077 (Top 4%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Prime Points 1Jan 18, 2016 21:42Geth Pyro Points 1Jan 18, 2016 21:27Geth Trooper Points 1Jan 18, 2016 21:04Atlas Points 3Jan 14, 2016 18:30Biotic Slash UseNov 29, 2015 16:02Waves CompletedNov 15, 2015 13:55Firebase Ghost: Silver WavesNov 15, 2015 13:43First Aid MedalsDec 21, 2014 15:06Squad EliteDec 21, 2014 15:06Firebase Goddess ExtractionsDec 21, 2014 14:44
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Biotic Mastery78%
11 of 14Firebase Jade: Bronze Waves96%
96 of 100Siege Pulse Use95%
47888 of 50000Firebase Jade: Silver Waves93%
93 of 100Collector Rifle Use93%
131140 of 140000Javelin Use91%
127872 of 140000Geth Hunter Points 189%
133776 of 150000Carnage Use88%
44410 of 50000Phoenix Adept Waves Completed87%
175 of 200