
- Summary
Time played:1259H 2M 48SGames played:3377Current Credits:7,851,679Leaderboards:#743 (Top 1%)#1,165 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Headshots 3Sep 8, 2014 00:41Blood Pack Punisher UseSep 8, 2014 00:27Geth Pulse Rifle UseSep 8, 2014 00:13Scion Points 2Sep 7, 2014 08:32Abomination Points 2Sep 7, 2014 08:28Marauder Points 3Sep 7, 2014 07:46Geth Spitfire UseSep 5, 2014 06:15N7 Fury ExtractionsSep 5, 2014 05:51Husk Points 1Sep 5, 2014 05:47Firebase London: Platinum WavesSep 4, 2014 03:10
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Praetorian Points 399%
447762 of 450000Drell Vanguard Waves Completed98%
197 of 200Disciple Use98%
137975 of 140000Batarian Soldier Waves Completed98%
197 of 200Blood Pack Punisher Use98%
197266 of 200000Firebase Ghost: Bronze Waves97%
97 of 100Cerberus Trooper Points 396%
434408 of 450000Firebase Ghost: Silver Waves96%
96 of 100