- Summary
Time played:123H 45M 21SGames played:365Current Credits:13,880Leaderboards:#125,327 (Top 7%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Play multiplayer matches to start progressing in the challenge system.
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Commando Mastery0%
0 of 12Tech Explosions Detonated 182%
41 of 50Promotions66%
4 of 6Promotions33%
4 of 12Biotic Slash Use23%
11641 of 50000Biotic Charge Use18%
9046 of 50000Promotions16%
4 of 24Biotic Explosions Detonated 116%
8 of 50Tech Explosions Detonated 216%
41 of 250