Biotic God
N7 Ranking
- Global
51303 Star Reaver 1147 51304 Frickin007 1147 51305 SomeSmexyBeast 1147 51306 Heuksal 1147 51307 Demiano 1147 51308 Bobzillaz 1147 51309 Grottski 1147 51310 RAPt Kd Killer 1147 51311 MJCABOOSETK 1147 51312 Anbu Sol Strike 1147 51313 Theik 1147 51314 cbass57484 1147 51315 XxVIPERxX88 1147 51316 Urdnot Raw 1147 51317 magnus4001 1147 51318 Grey Knight207 1147 51319 HudsonsirhesHix 1147 51320 Fooble Man 1147 51321 AxeIBoi 1147 51322 Raziel503 1147 51323 TAZZEE 1147 51324 Nefilem 1147 51325 Dream Invader 1147 51326 KngJames81 1147 51327 CommanderSaff 1146
- Country
7242 Joe Estenes 1150 7243 Aurkangel 1149 7244 ARCTICxSTORMx72 1149 7245 SplitSoulShade 1149 7246 BonesN7 1149 7247 WickedWookie615 1149 7248 shoot or dead 1149 7249 Brock4020 1149 7250 Randizzy1839 1148 7251 ASSASSIN S266 1148 7252 CartopAce 1148 7253 TLT Eliboy 1148 7254 XxVIPERxX88 1147 7255 Cptn Necro 1146 7256 SaviorofSmiles 1146 7257 Sp4zM4st3R 1146 7258 best at dmoney 1146 7259 ExDeath928 1146 7260 FaultyOhio PTG 1146 7261 SDW 315 1146 7262 theJ3FFman 1145 7263 Mac cfo 1145 7264 Thurus 1145 7265 MythicWarrior24 1145 7266 Doug716 1145
Challenge Points
- Global
48528 Grey Warden Jar 2125 48529 TKB x RocKStaRz 2125 48530 Pope Mega Force 2125 48531 Kronus118 2125 48532 Alterblood 2125 48533 Mr WillisWillis 2125 48534 Shiznaught 2125 48535 STA1N3EDPANTS 2125 48536 lookout 4 bilo 2125 48537 Nysrogh Kasdeya 2125 48538 Cheesequake 2125 48539 Spartan Kobe 2125 48540 XxVIPERxX88 2125 48541 Five Four Fury 2125 48542 Tx Longhorns712 2125 48543 The Bevis 2125 48544 Arjee Bhajee 2125 48545 DarkEater666 2125 48546 Nehithaw 2125 48547 G xxDusterxx 2125 48548 oXe BionicBill 2125 48549 Mavrick The Cow 2125 48550 ek0o 2125 48551 WeTheFallenSoul 2125 48552 Ian 6400X 2125
- Country
16204 Sarephyna 2125 16205 brownifinisher 2125 16206 SWATRANGER1799 2125 16207 FLARExEternum 2125 16208 Boogsterrr 2125 16209 Rezeek 2125 16210 IISapaMahiganII 2125 16211 SeshB0T 2125 16212 GoBabes 2125 16213 Grey Warden Jar 2125 16214 Mr WillisWillis 2125 16215 Nysrogh Kasdeya 2125 16216 XxVIPERxX88 2125 16217 The Bevis 2125 16218 EvilTurkeyClone 2125 16219 BiggerPun441 2125 16220 SolCavaliere 2120 16221 Darth Ahren 2120 16222 TonyGunk530 2120 16223 DisasterGay 191 2120 16224 ArcNinja84 2120 16225 Greyghost092 2120 16226 TheExecutionerb 2120 16227 Carth Delwynn 2120 16228 Guerrero720 2120