N7 Ranking
- Global
1919 Daanair 6047 1920 B4TM4N B3Y0DND 6046 1921 Hmann726 6046 1922 R0gue Pyr0 6040 1923 Strider42 6040 1924 Colors of Sound 6030 1925 Chic0ski 6030 1926 Jonesyonthebox 6030 1927 TF I CORP53 6030 1928 Shane McLauglin 6030 1929 Bad Urban 6030 1930 MalerDaten995 6029 1931 Stumpy5489 6029 1932 CRIPPEL 6029 1933 JUDGMENT KNYGHT 6028 1934 staticx288 6028 1935 XxTBTxX gasgas 6027 1936 briancruzdmb 6027 1937 SoulStealer094 6026 1938 DoomedSoul16 6025 1939 Der Bolt 6023 1940 RetiaryCarcass7 6022 1941 iDontOpenDoors 6022 1942 Forsyth Lady 6021 1943 jaysxbox73 6020
- Country
477 RAN D7 6094 478 Anton Fou 6086 479 MR CauSe iM GoD 6084 480 Eternal Idol 6083 481 Inquisitor Le 6082 482 Drag0nSkullz 6070 483 Raemor68 6058 484 Turko737 6058 485 Strider42 6040 486 TF I CORP53 6030 487 Shane McLauglin 6030 488 Bad Urban 6030 489 Stumpy5489 6029 490 CRIPPEL 6029 491 Forsyth Lady 6021 492 CMDR EULOGY 6015 493 xZOMBIJESUS 5997 494 ChummiestUncle 5964 495 false hope702 5960 496 xcrunner4623 5946 497 Logic 04 5944 498 GameKillerFT 5924 499 Luckie54 5919 500 demolition kyle 5909 501 L3G1ON 72 5906
Challenge Points
- Global
2982 CombatSqu1rrel 32495 2983 iiTz JDL 32495 2984 ChaosCoreTech 32485 2985 Deathbylttlpwny 32480 2986 Filippo and Pop 32475 2987 pdKrassos 32465 2988 Auugh 32460 2989 Janisary13 32445 2990 V the Grigori 32430 2991 TrigarX09 32420 2992 Drussius 32415 2993 Amy fu 32410 2994 Stumpy5489 32395 2995 Necruten 32390 2996 animeluvr6 32390 2997 Reabilis 32385 2998 Liquid Wolf 76 32385 2999 Captain AP0LL0 32380 3000 Fire hammer10 32380 3001 scottyz360 32375 3002 Rober xx38 32345 3003 TYGA31 32345 3004 H8Mail 32335 3005 GIBBY19385 32335 3006 mythic veteran 32320
- Country
1511 GreaseMan FTW 32530 1512 CattleToad 32530 1513 SlyFenix107 32515 1514 iiTz JDL 32495 1515 ChaosCoreTech 32485 1516 Deathbylttlpwny 32480 1517 Filippo and Pop 32475 1518 pdKrassos 32465 1519 Auugh 32460 1520 Janisary13 32445 1521 Drussius 32415 1522 Amy fu 32410 1523 Stumpy5489 32395 1524 animeluvr6 32390 1525 plain old jim 32320 1526 Qsif 32305 1527 Terracrankk 32290 1528 a1290 32285 1529 OBSCUREZOMBIE 32280 1530 Thulsa Doom 999 32275 1531 Ender137 32265 1532 TheLoneGunFreak 32245 1533 War Pigs 1994 32210 1534 MC1R 13 32190 1535 aviolentpoooo 32185