N7 Ranking
- Global
6304 BaronButch 3554 6305 CASTLEcrasherN7 3553 6306 ABOMB905 3553 6307 tjpiper 3552 6308 CatsPlus 3552 6309 pureblooded88 3552 6310 x6Wraithborn9x 3551 6311 Illrunner81 3551 6312 SirLancesomwhat 3550 6313 Fritsee 3550 6314 Reman Warbird 3549 6315 xFieryxMeTalx 3549 6316 Ian Gunz 3549 6317 BlueLegion N7 3549 6318 The Other B4rry 3549 6319 FarbrorJonathan 3549 6320 Yomamma45 3548 6321 Cloud0Encore 3548 6323 RHINOO1 3547 6324 Bumpinfresh9356 3547 6325 xTSUKUMOx76 3546 6326 Wayvee Gravvy 3546 6327 EazyFoto 3546 6328 doghed 3546
- Country
1229 Auugh 3566 1230 forkettle 3566 1231 xXBeastlyxCatXx 3565 1232 ChiLyrics 3565 1233 al e gatorr 3564 1234 ThreeWHY BOTHER 3562 1235 ManofChrist777 3560 1236 FLUFFY SKWIRL 3559 1237 Duder1999 3555 1238 THA EAT DIRT 3554 1239 ABOMB905 3553 1240 pureblooded88 3552 1241 Ian Gunz 3549 1242 The Other B4rry 3549 1243 Bumpinfresh9356 3547 1244 ops specialist 3545 1245 Spartan6758 3544 1246 Joncognito 3542 1247 Manny N7 3540 1248 FireBlazingWolf 3540 1249 capin jabooty 3540 1250 Limitlesswrath2 3540 1251 Teh Starscream 3540 1252 DarkChaosBunny 3540 1253 Ryecor 3540
Challenge Points
- Global
7049 Summerclaw 17450 7050 SICKN3SSS xXx 17450 7051 TheRowan72 17450 7052 DragonTamer1209 17445 7053 my360housepants 17445 7054 Pink Razor 17445 7055 NoobKill3r09 17440 7056 xPETZ09x 17440 7057 EATMYCH33KSG 17435 7058 TOROVALLE 17430 7059 Doug716 17430 7060 kuja14 17425 7061 Ian Gunz 17425 7062 DeadbodyzZ 17425 7063 bigdaddycombs 17425 7064 KurikaraKen 17420 7065 Padyshar 17420 7066 benito1980 17420 7067 Retro W4ve 17420 7068 SinlessCloud 17415 7069 Baker N7 17415 7070 IoBLACKiCAToI 17410 7071 Tintinlafleur27 17410 7072 papyZeN57 17410 7073 khondas 17410
- Country
3272 G0d F0rbidz 17475 3273 babytaco 17475 3274 Modaes 17475 3275 doewnskitty 17455 3276 SICKN3SSS xXx 17450 3277 TheRowan72 17450 3278 DragonTamer1209 17445 3279 my360housepants 17445 3280 NoobKill3r09 17440 3281 xPETZ09x 17440 3282 EATMYCH33KSG 17435 3283 Doug716 17430 3284 Ian Gunz 17425 3285 DeadbodyzZ 17425 3286 bigdaddycombs 17425 3287 Padyshar 17420 3288 Retro W4ve 17420 3289 SinlessCloud 17415 3290 IoBLACKiCAToI 17410 3291 khondas 17410 3292 Fallen II7 17405 3293 Aquarian Legion 17400 3294 SSBF SNIPE 17400 3295 K0ruptor 17400 3296 deathsprocket2 17395