
- Summary
Time played:544H 18M 40SGames played:1566Current Credits:68,469Leaderboards:#16,290 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Glacier: Gold WavesJul 5, 2013 15:26Firebase Glacier: Silver WavesJul 5, 2013 15:26Electrical Hammer UseJul 4, 2013 16:27Batarian Soldier Waves CompletedJul 3, 2013 13:01Geth Trooper Points 1Jul 3, 2013 12:30Geth Pyro Points 1Jun 11, 2013 18:23Geth Prime Points 1Jun 11, 2013 17:53Geth Hunter Points 1Jun 11, 2013 17:49Biotic Hammer UseJun 11, 2013 17:00Vorcha Soldier Waves CompletedJun 11, 2013 16:08
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12Bloodpack Mastery77%
7 of 9Cerberus Trooper Points 199%
149644 of 150000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 199%
149535 of 150000Cerberus Harrier Use98%
197268 of 200000Collector Trooper Points 197%
146264 of 150000Phantom Points 396%
432345 of 450000Geth Spitfire Use94%
189979 of 200000Collector Rifle Use92%
130192 of 140000Geth Bomber Points 192%
139248 of 150000