
- Summary
Time played:1125H 59M 15SGames played:2635Current Credits:1,032,632,715Leaderboards:#270 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Acolyte UseNov 12, 2016 03:13Dark Channel UseNov 12, 2016 01:23Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Nov 12, 2016 01:11Acolyte UseNov 11, 2016 04:10Warp UseSep 9, 2014 06:44SMG MasterySep 9, 2014 06:42M-9 Tempest UseSep 9, 2014 06:42M-12 Locust UseSep 9, 2014 05:19Sentry Turret UseSep 8, 2014 20:28Overload UseSep 8, 2014 20:26
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15N7 Piranha Use99%
139094 of 140000Geth Trooper Points 397%
436604 of 450000Reegar Carbine Use96%
193366 of 200000Throw Use96%
48271 of 50000Reave Use96%
48195 of 50000Centurion Points 395%
431038 of 450000Promotions95%
46 of 48Arc Pistol Use94%
189981 of 200000