
- Summary
Time played:1734H 40M 18SGames played:5628Current Credits:44,111Leaderboards:#495 (Top 1%)#1,079 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Grenade Damage Use 2May 25, 2014 18:01N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle UseMay 25, 2014 17:58Brute Points 1May 22, 2014 14:54Siege Pulse UseMay 21, 2014 16:54Geth Spitfire UseMay 21, 2014 16:53Geth Pyro Points 1May 21, 2014 16:14Dark Sphere UseMay 21, 2014 16:04Biotic Explosions Detonated 1May 21, 2014 16:02Geth Bomber Points 1May 21, 2014 15:19Biotic Slash UseMay 21, 2014 15:08
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Energy Drain Use97%
48655 of 50000M-90 Indra Use97%
136972 of 140000Atlas Points 195%
142595 of 150000Over-Cover Grab 194%
47 of 50Cannibal Points 394%
426584 of 450000SMG Medals93%
93 of 100Batarian Sentinel Waves Completed91%
182 of 200N7 Crusader Use91%
128315 of 140000