
- Summary
Time played:388H 47M 28SGames played:1344Current Credits:55,196Leaderboards:#12,138 (Top 1%)#16,948 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Turian Ghost ExtractionsOct 1, 2014 04:00Vorcha Sentinel ExtractionsAug 11, 2014 03:00M-15 Vindicator UseJun 30, 2014 04:53Drell Adept Waves CompletedMay 3, 2014 04:00Ravager Points 3Apr 29, 2014 03:43M-55 Argus Assault Rifle UseApr 20, 2014 03:22Bloodpack MasteryApr 15, 2014 05:00Batarian Slasher Waves CompletedApr 15, 2014 05:00Talon Mercenary ExtractionsMar 28, 2014 01:44Turian Soldier Waves CompletedMar 7, 2014 01:24
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Nemesis Points 297%
293705 of 300000Husk Points 393%
420462 of 450000Firebase Condor Extractions93%
14 of 15Cerberus Harrier Use92%
130045 of 140000Promotions91%
55 of 60Over-Cover Grab 388%
220 of 250M-25 Hornet Use88%
124327 of 140000Biotic Orbs Use88%
44433 of 50000