
- Summary
Time played:488H 32M 19SGames played:1465Current Credits:83,331Leaderboards:#11,035 (Top 1%)#13,908 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Atlas Points 3Jan 9, 2021 01:59Phoenix Vanguard ExtractionsDec 31, 2020 16:54Firebase Hydra: Bronze WavesDec 31, 2020 16:38Headshots 3Dec 30, 2020 21:38N7 Demolisher ExtractionsDec 30, 2020 15:28Cannibal Points 3Dec 30, 2020 15:21Sentry Turret UseDec 29, 2020 04:26Praetorian Points 3Dec 29, 2020 04:03Turian Ghost ExtractionsDec 25, 2020 03:59Firebase Condor ExtractionsDec 24, 2020 05:20
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Cerberus Trooper Points 199%
149187 of 150000Over-Cover Grab 198%
49 of 50Geth Rocket Trooper Points 397%
439441 of 450000Collector Trooper Points 295%
285674 of 300000Stasis Use95%
47686 of 50000Firebase Reactor: Bronze Waves94%
94 of 100Krysae Sniper Rifle Use94%
132320 of 140000Firebase Rio: Silver Waves92%
92 of 100