
- Summary
Time played:1579H 4M 3SGames played:4784Current Credits:2,935,859Leaderboards:#1,827 (Top 1%)#453 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 2Nov 26, 2016 14:00M-358 Talon UseNov 26, 2016 00:37Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle UseNov 24, 2016 22:38Geth Rocket Trooper Points 1Nov 24, 2016 22:29Tech Explosions Detonated 1Nov 24, 2016 21:50Electric Slash UseNov 24, 2016 21:31Tech MasteryNov 24, 2016 21:31Geth Bomber Points 1Nov 24, 2016 15:39Geth Turret UseNov 24, 2016 15:25Siege Pulse UseNov 6, 2016 13:47
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Machine Mastery87%
7 of 8Guardian Points 297%
292024 of 300000Arc Pistol Use97%
136972 of 140000Nemesis Points 395%
428296 of 450000Husk Points 295%
287750 of 300000Centurion Points 395%
428684 of 450000Asari Valkyrie Waves Completed93%
187 of 200Executioner Pistol Use92%
185382 of 200000Geth Prime Points 291%
274441 of 300000