
- Summary
Time played:1701H 38M 3SGames played:4490Current Credits:2,050,504Leaderboards:#11,972 (Top 1%)#1,348 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Marauder Points 3Jul 5, 2014 00:19Solo MasteryJun 29, 2014 02:36Solo SilverJun 29, 2014 02:36Solo GoldJun 29, 2014 02:36Ravager Points 3Jun 29, 2014 02:03Husk Points 2Jun 29, 2014 01:39Headshots 3Jun 26, 2014 01:35Electric Slash UseJun 25, 2014 03:31Cannibal Points 3Jun 24, 2014 01:27Brute Points 3Jun 24, 2014 01:19
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Tech Mastery84%
11 of 13Geth Rocket Trooper Points 195%
142960 of 150000In-Game Medals Earned94%
4730 of 5000Geth Engineer Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Turian Ghost Extractions90%
9 of 10Geth Trooper Points 190%
135144 of 150000Dragoon Points 289%
268876 of 300000Centurion Points 189%
134183 of 150000Snap Freeze Use89%
44760 of 50000