
- Summary
Time played:53H 48M 47SGames played:185Current Credits:10,995Leaderboards:#138,896 (Top 7%)#58,402 (Top 11%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Atlas Points 1Feb 17, 2015 07:07Nemesis Points 1Feb 17, 2015 06:22Guardian Points 1Feb 17, 2015 06:15Throw UseFeb 17, 2015 06:08Reave UseFeb 17, 2015 05:27Pull UseFeb 17, 2015 02:37Husk Points 1Feb 17, 2015 01:33Warp UseFeb 17, 2015 00:39Ravager Points 1Feb 17, 2015 00:29Geth Bomber Points 2Feb 17, 2015 00:09
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12Biotic Mastery78%
11 of 14Overload Use98%
49497 of 50000Hazard: Silver Waves97%
194 of 200N7 Hurricane Use95%
134226 of 140000Collector Captain Points 192%
138528 of 150000Centurion Points 292%
276664 of 300000Marauder Points 291%
275553 of 300000Krogan Battlemaster Extractions90%
9 of 10M-76 Revenant Use90%
126027 of 140000