- Summary
Time played:413H 46M 48SGames played:1322Current Credits:107,958Leaderboards:#20,823 (Top 2%)#19,921 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Cannibal Points 2Nov 27, 2016 16:19Cerberus Trooper Points 2Nov 20, 2016 22:49Geth Pyro Points 2Nov 20, 2016 01:24Ravager Points 1Nov 13, 2016 15:29Guardian Points 1Jan 4, 2015 21:19Marauder Points 1Sep 8, 2014 14:27Banshee Points 1Sep 8, 2014 13:02Scion Points 2Sep 8, 2014 12:27Geth Trooper Points 3Sep 7, 2014 23:54Brute Points 1Aug 29, 2014 18:31
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Earth Mastery77%
7 of 9Map Mastery75%
30 of 40Tech Armor Use99%
24854 of 25000Collector Trooper Points 395%
429990 of 450000Collector Captain Points 292%
277554 of 300000Brute Points 291%
273949 of 300000Husk Points 190%
135927 of 150000Geth Prime Points 290%
272614 of 300000Geth Hunter Points 290%
271919 of 300000Banshee Points 287%
263515 of 300000