
- Summary
Time played:198H 2M 46SGames played:757Current Credits:15,752Leaderboards:#219,534 (Top 18%)#31,455 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Vorcha Soldier ExtractionsDec 18, 2016 13:09Collector Assault Rifle UseJun 11, 2016 20:43Acolyte UseJun 11, 2016 20:30Pistol MasteryJun 11, 2016 20:30Atlas Points 3Jun 10, 2016 21:53Batarian Sentinel ExtractionsFeb 7, 2016 15:09Resurgence MasteryFeb 7, 2016 15:09M-358 Talon UseJan 10, 2016 12:43Asari Justicar Waves CompletedJan 8, 2016 17:32Arc Pistol UseDec 29, 2015 18:05
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Squad Elite87%
7 of 8Husk Points 399%
448771 of 450000M-358 Talon Use95%
190942 of 200000Geth Pyro Points 393%
421989 of 450000Phantom Points 290%
272497 of 300000Banshee Points 388%
396333 of 450000Biotic Explosions Detonated 387%
435 of 500Flamer Use86%
43369 of 50000Pull Use82%
41225 of 50000