
- Summary
Time played:1307H 58M 58SGames played:4114Current Credits:14,044Leaderboards:#1,148 (Top 1%)#1,198 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 2Apr 24, 2015 00:29Phoenix Adept Waves CompletedApr 24, 2015 00:03Banshee Points 1Apr 23, 2015 23:34Combat Drone UseApr 23, 2015 00:44M-300 Claymore UseApr 23, 2015 00:08Pistol MasteryApr 22, 2015 23:25N7 Eagle UseApr 22, 2015 23:25Smash UseApr 22, 2015 23:22Singularity UseApr 22, 2015 23:13M-27 Scimitar UseApr 21, 2015 03:44
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Combat Mastery75%
9 of 12Quarian Marksman Waves Completed99%
199 of 200Geth Trooper Points 298%
294798 of 300000Javelin Use97%
195197 of 200000Ravager Points 197%
146372 of 150000Turian Proximity Mine Use97%
48784 of 50000Energy Drain Use95%
47625 of 50000Ballistic Blade Use95%
47954 of 50000N7 Piranha Use95%
133082 of 140000