
- Summary
Time played:1481H 37M 2SGames played:4362Current Credits:827,847Leaderboards:#866 (Top 1%)#1,180 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Cryo Blast UseAug 23, 2020 04:24Snap Freeze UseAug 20, 2020 23:09Geth Pyro Points 2Aug 7, 2020 22:05Cerberus Harrier UseAug 4, 2020 23:12Brute Points 2Aug 4, 2020 23:10N7 Demolisher ExtractionsJul 27, 2020 00:57Marauder Points 2Jul 27, 2020 00:41Husk Points 1Jul 14, 2020 07:03Volus Adept ExtractionsJul 12, 2020 20:37Banshee Points 2Jul 2, 2020 23:39
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Pistol Mastery87%
7 of 8Cannibal Points 298%
294746 of 300000Praetorian Points 397%
440069 of 450000Waves Completed97%
2447 of 2500Phoenix Adept Waves Completed96%
192 of 200Nemesis Points 396%
433145 of 450000M-99 Saber Use93%
130863 of 140000Geth Prime Points 292%
276565 of 300000N7 Paladin Extractions90%
9 of 10