
- Summary
Time played:1768H 50M 18SGames played:5761Current Credits:4,073,113Leaderboards:#812 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
M-6 Carnifex UseOct 28, 2014 11:24Resurgence MasteryOct 27, 2014 13:24Batarian Soldier ExtractionsOct 27, 2014 13:24Batarian Soldier Waves CompletedOct 27, 2014 13:18M-98 Widow UseOct 27, 2014 12:17Scorpion UseOct 27, 2014 09:32Shotgun MedalsOct 25, 2014 07:43Phoenix Vanguard ExtractionsOct 25, 2014 04:10Praetorian Points 3Oct 25, 2014 04:08Collector MasteryOct 25, 2014 04:08
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Husk Points 398%
443974 of 450000Volus Protector Waves Completed98%
196 of 200SMG Medals96%
96 of 100Melee Damage Use 293%
467657 of 500000Nemesis Points 292%
276070 of 300000Kishock Harpoon Gun Use91%
182150 of 200000N7 Fury Extractions90%
9 of 10Phantom Points 289%
267613 of 300000