
- Summary
Time played:382H 13M 58SGames played:1100Current Credits:2,122,588Leaderboards:#176,685 (Top 9%)#18,132 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Scion Points 3Aug 11, 2015 20:07Firebase Vancouver ExtractionsAug 10, 2014 21:36Firebase Rio: Gold WavesAug 9, 2014 01:02Praetorian Points 2Aug 8, 2014 03:04Abomination Points 2Aug 6, 2014 18:50Cannibal Points 3Aug 1, 2014 23:14Collector Captain Points 3Jul 30, 2014 01:34Geth Bomber Points 1Jul 26, 2014 03:14Solo BronzeJul 16, 2014 03:04Geth Hunter Points 1Jul 10, 2014 19:15
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Batarian Soldier Waves Completed98%
197 of 200Annihilation Field Use97%
48548 of 50000Over-Cover Grab 294%
94 of 100M-358 Talon Use94%
188624 of 200000Scorpion Use92%
129657 of 140000Hex Shield Use91%
22825 of 25000Geth Prime Points 191%
137142 of 150000Combat Drone Use90%
45261 of 50000