
- Summary
Time played:274H 28M 7SGames played:971Current Credits:1,572Leaderboards:#25,804 (Top 2%)#16,582 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Phantom Points 1Jun 27, 2013 18:11Collector Rifle UseJun 27, 2013 18:08Nemesis Points 1Jun 27, 2013 18:02Firebase Glacier: Silver WavesJun 27, 2013 17:54Husk Points 2Jun 27, 2013 17:41Geth Trooper Points 1Jun 27, 2013 17:14Awakened Collector Waves CompletedJun 26, 2013 22:23Dragoon Points 1Jun 26, 2013 22:05Centurion Points 2Jun 26, 2013 22:03Marauder Points 3Jun 26, 2013 21:53
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Rebellion Mastery88%
8 of 9Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18Promotions98%
59 of 60Quarian Marksman Waves Completed93%
187 of 200Praetorian Points 293%
280746 of 300000Ravager Points 391%
412033 of 450000N7 Slayer Extractions90%
9 of 10Incinerate Use88%
44082 of 50000Firebase London: Silver Waves88%
88 of 100Shotgun Medals83%
83 of 100