
- Summary
Time played:192H 5M 31SGames played:641Current Credits:72,999,351Leaderboards:#8,444 (Top 1%)#30,300 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Husk Points 2Jul 9, 2020 17:48Abomination Points 2Mar 27, 2015 18:49Black Widow UseJan 11, 2015 02:41Praetorian Points 3Jun 12, 2014 16:03Centurion Points 3Feb 22, 2014 21:58N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle UseJan 29, 2014 17:27M-99 Saber UseJan 28, 2014 17:54Collector Captain Points 3Jan 27, 2014 20:47Hazard: Gold WavesJan 27, 2014 20:31Collector Trooper Points 3Jan 27, 2014 19:57
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Siege Pulse Use99%
49980 of 50000Guardian Points 398%
442861 of 450000Promotions97%
47 of 48Dragoon Points 396%
433911 of 450000Geth Bomber Points 392%
417894 of 450000Nemesis Points 289%
268230 of 300000Firebase London Extractions86%
13 of 15Salarian Infiltrator Waves Completed85%
170 of 200