
- Summary
Time played:319H 17M 0SGames played:1093Current Credits:11,032Leaderboards:#36,452 (Top 2%)#13,810 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
M-98 Widow UseMar 6, 2020 03:14Hazard ExtractionsMar 6, 2020 00:14Geth Bomber Points 1Mar 2, 2020 04:36Firebase Vancouver ExtractionsMar 2, 2020 04:17Smash UseMar 2, 2020 03:40Phantom Points 3Mar 1, 2020 23:22Dragoon Points 3Mar 1, 2020 00:54N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle UseMar 1, 2020 00:12Assault Rifle MedalsFeb 29, 2020 18:52Turian Havoc Waves CompletedFeb 29, 2020 18:32
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21SMG Mastery80%
4 of 5Scion Points 198%
148181 of 150000Siege Pulse Use97%
48505 of 50000Collector Trooper Points 297%
291683 of 300000Incinerate Use96%
48262 of 50000Abomination Points 195%
143589 of 150000Praetorian Points 194%
142334 of 150000Javelin Use93%
130497 of 140000Husk Points 293%
281070 of 300000