
- Summary
Time played:606H 32M 16SGames played:1669Current Credits:4,402Leaderboards:#3,157 (Top 1%)#8,153 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Goddess: Gold WavesDec 17, 2023 08:42Assault Rifle MedalsDec 17, 2023 08:23Asari Commando Waves CompletedJan 31, 2017 04:57Biotic Explosions Detonated 2Apr 17, 2016 17:39Scion Points 3Apr 17, 2016 00:34Collector MasteryApr 17, 2016 00:34Combat MasteryApr 3, 2016 19:48Melee Damage Use 3Apr 3, 2016 19:48Cerberus Harrier UseApr 3, 2016 19:17Geth Trooper Points 3Apr 3, 2016 18:08
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery88%
16 of 18Pistol Mastery87%
7 of 8Geth Bomber Points 396%
433034 of 450000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 394%
423576 of 450000M-99 Saber Use94%
132502 of 140000M-96 Mattock Use93%
130869 of 140000M-90 Indra Use92%
129678 of 140000Dark Sphere Use92%
46411 of 50000Batarian Sentinel Extractions90%
9 of 10Firebase White: Platinum Waves90%
90 of 100