- Summary
Time played:25H 38M 36SGames played:94Current Credits:10,324Leaderboards:#383,186 (Top 20%)#108,465 (Top 20%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Warp UseJan 12, 2013 23:08Hazard: Bronze WavesJan 12, 2013 23:03Firebase Vancouver: Bronze WavesJan 12, 2013 22:39Survival MedalsJan 12, 2013 21:31Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Jan 12, 2013 21:25Cannibal Points 2Jan 12, 2013 21:21Firebase Rio ExtractionsJan 12, 2013 20:38Geth Trooper Points 1Jan 11, 2013 02:47Cerberus Trooper Points 1Jan 11, 2013 02:08M-13 Raptor UseJan 10, 2013 22:41
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery46%
6 of 13Sniper Rifle Mastery33%
3 of 9Collector Trooper Points 196%
144606 of 150000N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle Use95%
133506 of 140000Headshots 388%
883 of 1000M-4 Shuriken Use83%
116721 of 140000Firebase Vancouver Extractions80%
12 of 15Firebase London: Bronze Waves79%
79 of 100Cannibal Points 379%
356059 of 450000M-13 Raptor Use77%
155258 of 200000