- Summary
Time played:1006H 56M 46SGames played:3174Current Credits:311,952Leaderboards:#1,688 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Bomber Points 3Dec 17, 2017 21:49Geth MasteryDec 17, 2017 21:49Scion Points 2Jun 14, 2015 13:15Energy Drain UseMar 9, 2014 21:17Collector Captain Points 2Mar 8, 2014 20:41Female Quarian Engineer Waves CompletedFeb 22, 2014 23:07Pull UseFeb 13, 2014 13:32Praetorian Points 1Feb 9, 2014 17:36Krogan Warlord Waves CompletedFeb 8, 2014 23:54Collector Trooper Points 2Feb 7, 2014 02:00
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Pistol Medals99%
99 of 100Geth Pulse Rifle Use99%
139481 of 140000Collector Trooper Points 396%
433083 of 450000Acolyte Use95%
191637 of 200000First Aid Medals95%
95 of 100Geth Turret Use93%
46758 of 50000M-358 Talon Use93%
187326 of 200000N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle Use93%
131341 of 140000