- Summary
Time played:59H 11M 45SGames played:196Current Credits:44,946Leaderboards:#131,029 (Top 7%)#112,764 (Top 21%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Collector Trooper Points 2Jun 10, 2013 23:07PromotionsJun 10, 2013 03:08Geth Turret UseJun 9, 2013 06:43Firebase Giant: Bronze WavesJun 9, 2013 06:04Carnage UseJun 2, 2013 22:20Cerberus Trooper Points 2Jun 1, 2013 23:57Biotic Charge UseJun 1, 2013 20:18Cerberus Harrier UseJun 1, 2013 15:44Sentry Turret UseNov 19, 2012 00:57PromotionsNov 18, 2012 14:09
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery46%
6 of 13N7 Mastery33%
2 of 6Incinerate Use95%
47624 of 50000Tech Explosions Detonated 295%
239 of 250Collector Captain Points 195%
143579 of 150000M-12 Locust Use94%
132301 of 140000Batarian Sentinel Extractions90%
9 of 10Hazard: Bronze Waves90%
181 of 200M-99 Saber Use87%
122609 of 140000Headshots 387%
874 of 1000