Biotic God

- Summary
Time played:377H 51M 37SGames played:1322Current Credits:103,288Leaderboards:#13,029 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Centurion Points 1Nov 27, 2016 09:32Cerberus Trooper Points 3Nov 27, 2016 08:13Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Nov 27, 2016 08:10Biotic Charge UseNov 27, 2016 06:54Banshee Points 2Nov 24, 2016 20:31Brute Points 3Nov 24, 2016 20:01Reegar Carbine UseNov 24, 2016 18:51Geth Juggernaut ExtractionsNov 24, 2016 18:29Collector Trooper Points 1Nov 21, 2016 20:03Batarian Sentinel Waves CompletedNov 21, 2016 20:02
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Tech Mastery92%
12 of 13Guardian Points 199%
149624 of 150000Over-Cover Grab 296%
96 of 100Husk Points 294%
284522 of 300000Submission Net Use94%
47154 of 50000Promotions91%
22 of 24Geth Prime Points 391%
412264 of 450000Male Quarian Infiltrator Waves Completed90%
180 of 200Phaeston Use89%
179443 of 200000