- Summary
Time played:80H 22M 14SGames played:230Current Credits:2,405Leaderboards:#248,950 (Top 13%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 1Mar 3, 2013 04:25Siege Pulse UseMar 3, 2013 03:14
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery15%
2 of 13Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Geth Juggernaut Extractions60%
6 of 10Sentry Turret Use49%
24785 of 50000M-99 Saber Use39%
55132 of 140000M-98 Widow Use34%
48782 of 140000N7 Weekend Challenge I33%
1 of 3Bronze Extractions32%
8 of 25Silver Extractions32%
8 of 25Geth Juggernaut Waves Completed30%
60 of 200