- Summary
Time played:411H 14M 28SGames played:1155Current Credits:76,798Leaderboards:#12,424 (Top 1%)#7,220 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Rocket Trooper Points 1Dec 27, 2020 19:53Marauder Points 1Dec 27, 2020 17:40Cannibal Points 1Dec 27, 2020 17:34Collector MasteryDec 27, 2020 17:22Abomination Points 3Dec 27, 2020 17:22Reckoning MasteryJul 28, 2020 00:07Executioner Pistol UseJul 28, 2020 00:07Banshee Points 1Jul 27, 2020 23:53Executioner Pistol UseJul 25, 2020 18:57Geth Hunter Points 1Jul 25, 2020 18:54
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Assault Rifle Mastery88%
8 of 9Firebase Rio: Silver Waves95%
95 of 100Zombie Hunter95%
7177 of 7500Firebase Rio: Bronze Waves95%
95 of 100Brute Points 194%
141873 of 150000Promotions91%
22 of 24M-358 Talon Use90%
180472 of 200000Firebase Jade: Bronze Waves87%
87 of 100Firebase Jade: Silver Waves87%
87 of 100