
- Summary
Time played:276H 1M 58SGames played:757Current Credits:155,121Leaderboards:#41,110 (Top 3%)#13,844 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Hydra: Bronze WavesAug 11, 2018 18:46Firebase Hydra: Silver WavesAug 11, 2018 18:46N7 Destroyer ExtractionsAug 11, 2018 17:33N7 Typhoon UseAug 11, 2018 16:57Snap Freeze UseAug 11, 2018 05:55Asari Commando Waves CompletedAug 11, 2018 04:40Incinerate UseAug 11, 2018 03:53Firebase Reactor: Silver WavesAug 10, 2018 22:57Tech Explosions Detonated 2Aug 10, 2018 22:45Annihilation Field UseAug 10, 2018 22:20
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Throw Use99%
49924 of 50000Biotic Hammer Use98%
49044 of 50000M-98 Widow Use97%
137016 of 140000Vorcha Sentinel Waves Completed97%
194 of 200Turian Proximity Mine Use96%
48369 of 50000Collector Trooper Points 196%
144547 of 150000Singularity Use94%
47491 of 50000Electric Slash Use92%
46081 of 50000