
- Summary
Time played:307H 5M 8SGames played:956Current Credits:74,947Leaderboards:#32,847 (Top 2%)#23,156 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Warp UseJul 3, 2014 04:42N7 Paladin ExtractionsJul 3, 2014 04:12Singularity UseJul 1, 2014 05:46Firebase Ghost: Silver WavesJul 1, 2014 04:39Incinerate UseJul 1, 2014 04:21Cryo Blast UseJul 1, 2014 04:14Tech Explosions Detonated 3Jul 1, 2014 02:55Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Jun 27, 2014 03:42Flamer UseJun 27, 2014 03:15Throw UseJun 27, 2014 02:37
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery88%
16 of 18Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12Cerberus Harrier Use98%
197528 of 200000Geth Bomber Points 398%
441454 of 450000Promotions97%
35 of 36Carnage Use97%
48599 of 50000Marauder Points 297%
291475 of 300000N7 Piranha Use96%
192984 of 200000Guardian Points 296%
288634 of 300000Geth Prime Points 395%
431482 of 450000