
- Summary
Time played:401H 47M 26SGames played:1076Current Credits:6,773Leaderboards:#41,502 (Top 3%)#11,387 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Prime Points 1Nov 9, 2020 18:55Geth Hunter Points 1Nov 9, 2020 18:50Flamer UseNov 9, 2020 18:22Venom Shotgun UseNov 9, 2020 17:21Cryo Blast UseNov 9, 2020 16:53Waves CompletedNov 9, 2020 15:54M-9 Tempest UseNov 6, 2020 15:15Graal Spike Thrower UseNov 4, 2020 23:21Earth MasteryNov 4, 2020 23:11Firebase Vancouver ExtractionsNov 4, 2020 23:11
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Electrical Hammer Use99%
49681 of 50000Stasis Use96%
48036 of 50000Siege Pulse Use95%
47702 of 50000Points Earned95%
23800614 of 25000000Firebase Reactor: Gold Waves93%
93 of 100Awakened Collector Extractions90%
9 of 10Talon Mercenary Extractions90%
9 of 10M-7 Lancer Use89%
179474 of 200000