
- Summary
Time played:237H 58M 0SGames played:672Current Credits:34,091Leaderboards:#505,364 (Top 26%)#29,121 (Top 6%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 3Nov 5, 2013 05:06Krogan Shaman Waves CompletedNov 4, 2013 05:12Bloodpack MasteryNov 4, 2013 05:12Husk Points 3Nov 4, 2013 02:59Reaper MasteryNov 4, 2013 02:59Firebase Ghost: Silver WavesOct 27, 2013 02:01Praetorian Points 1Oct 27, 2013 01:54Firebase Condor: Silver WavesOct 22, 2013 03:13Firebase Condor: Bronze WavesOct 22, 2013 03:09Waves CompletedOct 22, 2013 02:21
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite87%
7 of 8Biotic Mastery78%
11 of 14Firebase White: Gold Waves99%
99 of 100Dragoon Points 399%
448401 of 450000Reegar Carbine Use98%
196545 of 200000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 297%
293399 of 300000Headshots 195%
239 of 250Geth Turret Use94%
47196 of 50000Scion Points 190%
135003 of 150000Hazard Extractions90%
45 of 50