- Summary
Time played:88H 44M 17SGames played:278Current Credits:30,219Leaderboards:#129,359 (Top 7%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Hydra: Bronze WavesAug 14, 2014 04:38Geth Trooper Points 1Aug 14, 2014 03:08Cannibal Points 3Aug 13, 2014 20:43Geth Juggernaut ExtractionsAug 13, 2014 03:35Firebase Rio: Silver WavesAug 12, 2014 03:05Firebase Rio: Bronze WavesAug 12, 2014 03:00Praetorian Points 1Aug 12, 2014 02:53Acolyte UseAug 12, 2014 01:30Geth Hunter Points 3Aug 11, 2014 23:00Atlas Points 2Aug 11, 2014 22:35
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Biotic Mastery85%
12 of 14Assault Rifle Medals98%
98 of 100Firebase Hydra: Silver Waves98%
98 of 100N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle Use98%
137960 of 140000Guardian Points 196%
145073 of 150000Firebase White: Platinum Waves95%
95 of 100Geth Bomber Points 394%
423058 of 450000First Aid Medals93%
93 of 100Melee Damage Use 391%
917782 of 1000000