
- Summary
Time played:683H 51M 44SGames played:2439Current Credits:1,766,691Leaderboards:#3,609 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Abomination Points 3Oct 12, 2014 23:01Brute Points 3Sep 14, 2014 01:15Geth MasterySep 13, 2014 05:55Geth Prime Points 3Sep 13, 2014 05:55Collector Captain Points 3Aug 16, 2014 04:40Waves CompletedAug 16, 2014 03:47Husk Points 2Aug 16, 2014 02:34PromotionsAug 2, 2014 07:31Scion Points 3Jul 28, 2014 01:27Ravager Points 2Jul 16, 2014 07:56
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery92%
12 of 13Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21Phantom Points 399%
449672 of 450000Turian Havoc Waves Completed99%
199 of 200Banshee Points 295%
287007 of 300000Stasis Use94%
47365 of 50000Firebase Goddess: Silver Waves94%
94 of 100Batarian Sentinel Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Marauder Points 394%
427151 of 450000Firebase London: Silver Waves94%
94 of 100