
- Summary
Time played:542H 24M 21SGames played:1513Current Credits:31,362Leaderboards:#4,374 (Top 1%)#6,930 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Solo SilverAug 27, 2014 19:21Brute Points 1Aug 26, 2014 02:26Electric Slash UseAug 26, 2014 02:20Marauder Points 1Aug 26, 2014 01:54Flamer UseAug 26, 2014 01:04Cannibal Points 1Aug 26, 2014 00:50M-99 Saber UseAug 19, 2014 03:46Headshots 2Aug 19, 2014 03:02Overload UseJul 5, 2014 23:15N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle UseJun 30, 2014 03:48
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Map Mastery92%
37 of 40N7 Mastery83%
5 of 6Collector Rifle Use99%
138877 of 140000Promotions96%
58 of 60Assault Rifle Medals96%
96 of 100Phaeston Use96%
135587 of 140000Ravager Points 195%
143487 of 150000Waves Completed94%
2352 of 2500Abomination Points 193%
139520 of 150000Firebase London Extractions93%
14 of 15