
- Summary
Time played:215H 11M 1SGames played:778Current Credits:465,197Leaderboards:#48,574 (Top 3%)#24,605 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Incinerate UseMar 8, 2013 04:39Submission Net UseMar 8, 2013 04:38Sentry Turret UseMar 7, 2013 21:40In-Game Medals EarnedMar 7, 2013 21:04Dragoon Points 1Mar 7, 2013 04:59Pull UseMar 7, 2013 04:33N7 Hurricane UseMar 6, 2013 21:33Phoenix Vanguard Waves CompletedMar 6, 2013 21:03Lash UseMar 6, 2013 05:19Firebase Jade ExtractionsMar 6, 2013 05:02
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery66%
12 of 18Spectre Mastery66%
2 of 3Praetorian Points 199%
149949 of 150000Geth Bomber Points 299%
297586 of 300000Geth Pyro Points 295%
285997 of 300000Abomination Points 393%
420049 of 450000Tech Explosions Detonated 293%
233 of 250Centurion Points 391%
413557 of 450000N7 Shadow Extractions90%
9 of 10Vorcha Sentinel Extractions90%
9 of 10