
- Summary
Time played:441H 16M 7SGames played:1545Current Credits:1,307Leaderboards:#5,581 (Top 1%)#8,134 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Centurion Points 1Nov 7, 2019 10:02Collector Trooper Points 2Nov 7, 2019 09:32Cerberus Trooper Points 3Nov 7, 2018 07:32PromotionsAug 21, 2018 10:41Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Aug 21, 2018 10:11Geth Pulse Rifle UseNov 7, 2017 11:12M-15 Vindicator UseSep 2, 2017 09:49Submission Net UseSep 2, 2017 08:59Phaeston UseSep 1, 2017 09:51Firebase Jade ExtractionsMar 14, 2017 08:58
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Assault Rifle Mastery77%
7 of 9Striker Assault Rifle Use97%
135885 of 140000Dragoon Points 197%
145633 of 150000Stasis Use96%
48361 of 50000Guardian Points 195%
143631 of 150000M-5 Phalanx Use95%
134019 of 140000Geth Trooper Points 394%
425149 of 450000Black Widow Use92%
129139 of 140000Phoenix Vanguard Waves Completed92%
184 of 200