- Summary
Time played:98H 42M 25SGames played:324Current Credits:19,073Leaderboards:#111,777 (Top 6%)#164,589 (Top 30%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
M-92 Mantis UseApr 14, 2013 19:53Quarian Infiltrator ExtractionsApr 14, 2013 18:56Bronze ExtractionsFeb 12, 2013 08:26Geth Trooper Points 1Feb 11, 2013 23:25Tech Explosions Detonated 1Feb 5, 2013 23:41Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Feb 5, 2013 23:31Flamer UseDec 27, 2012 16:10
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery15%
2 of 13Squad Elite12%
1 of 8Geth Trooper Points 290%
270878 of 300000Vorcha Soldier Extractions90%
9 of 10Hazard: Bronze Waves87%
174 of 200Throw Use81%
40805 of 50000Warp Use72%
36389 of 50000Headshots 170%
176 of 250Combat Drone Use67%
33732 of 50000Phaeston Use66%
93390 of 140000