Cyber Warrior

- Summary
Time played:597H 31M 16SGames played:1819Current Credits:57,594Leaderboards:#18,037 (Top 1%)#6,119 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech MasteryJun 27, 2014 04:08Geth Turret UseJun 27, 2014 04:08Ravager Points 3Jun 26, 2014 03:15Banshee Points 3Jun 26, 2014 02:47Husk Points 2Jun 24, 2014 02:32Brute Points 3Jun 24, 2014 01:47Ravager Points 2May 22, 2014 05:52Banshee Points 2May 22, 2014 05:22Marauder Points 3May 6, 2014 06:04Cannibal Points 3May 3, 2014 01:14
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Centurion Points 399%
446561 of 450000Asari Commando Waves Completed98%
196 of 200M-8 Avenger Use96%
135154 of 140000Collector Rifle Use95%
133681 of 140000Guardian Points 395%
427605 of 450000Sniper Rifle Medals95%
95 of 100Dragoon Points 394%
425579 of 450000Flamer Use92%
46121 of 50000