- Summary
Time played:79H 57M 10SGames played:250Current Credits:472Leaderboards:#141,896 (Top 8%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Juggernaut Waves CompletedSep 25, 2016 10:27Firebase Dagger: Bronze WavesOct 18, 2015 12:04Guardian Points 2Oct 14, 2015 18:13Nemesis Points 2Oct 5, 2015 17:05Marauder Points 2Oct 3, 2015 12:24Centurion Points 3Oct 3, 2015 10:58Gold ExtractionsSep 30, 2015 16:19N7 Destroyer ExtractionsSep 29, 2015 18:30Cobra Missile Launcher UseSep 29, 2015 17:54Atlas Points 2Sep 29, 2015 17:33
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite87%
7 of 8Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12Banshee Points 299%
297330 of 300000Firebase Giant: Silver Waves98%
98 of 100Phantom Points 396%
432225 of 450000Dragoon Points 393%
419913 of 450000Firebase Glacier: Silver Waves92%
92 of 100Collector Trooper Points 191%
137954 of 150000Ravager Points 289%
268394 of 300000Hazard: Gold Waves89%
178 of 200