Lone Wolf

- Summary
Time played:656H 35M 2SGames played:1831Current Credits:75,984Leaderboards:#3,448 (Top 1%)#8,407 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Cerberus Harrier UseNov 23, 2016 21:46Geth MasteryNov 22, 2016 21:20Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Nov 22, 2016 21:20M-7 Lancer UseNov 11, 2016 23:16Husk Points 2Nov 11, 2016 23:05M-7 Lancer UseNov 11, 2016 22:32Collector Trooper Points 3Nov 10, 2016 03:09Geth Bomber Points 3Apr 28, 2014 08:47Firebase Hydra: Gold WavesOct 29, 2013 07:08Arc Pistol UseOct 29, 2013 07:05
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Arc Pistol Use98%
197245 of 200000Centurion Points 297%
293586 of 300000Krogan Warlord Waves Completed96%
192 of 200Geth Engineer Waves Completed96%
193 of 200Phoenix Adept Waves Completed95%
191 of 200Abomination Points 295%
285260 of 300000Dark Channel Use95%
47716 of 50000Geth Pulse Rifle Use92%
129200 of 140000